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Record management a tool in achieving organization goal is the main objective of this study. The population of the study comprises 80 employers in five selected organization. Since the population was invariable small it has been used as the sample to reduce sampling bias.

The instrument for data collection used was the questionnaire and the study was divided into 4 research question, the percentage and frequency were the method of analysis used for the study shows that the employees agreed with the tools listed for management as being necessary. Conclusion was based on the result of findings that employees in business achieve organization goal in record management. Recommendations were made that employees in business who achieve organizational goals should endeavor to maintain more proper record management pattern so that records will be made available on demand and should be trained to achieve tools in operating of equipments for records.





Fundamentally, the secretary is the custodian of records creation, records use, but the performance of some secretaries makes nonsense on the objective of records management in Nigerian offices. These may account for being replicate with increasing leakage of official secrets due to improper records management and it may have a diverse effect on the organization, such as retrieval of information needed by the organization, delay of staff promotion. The importance of records management skills to employees arise from the fact that number of paper-work and document can not be preserve and handle without proper management. The need for adequate attention to information storage and retrieval system in an organization can not be  over emphasize in this disputes record provider, documented evidence, record management is therefore important to businesses and organizations since it is the only way  that businesses and organizations can understand the present by maintaining a link with the past.

        According to Ohakwe (2000), records management are the life wire of every organization and should be managed for convenience and should also be smooth in operations of the organization. He added that this can be achieved by putting the following factors in consideration:

1 Retrieval; which should be well arranged for easy retrieval.

2 Confidentiality; most official documents can classify information such as top secret, confidential secret and personnel.

3  Security and Safety; where a good recording system should be adopted to make it possible for the document to remain safe and secured from the risk of theft, adverse whether condition and leakage.

     Nwosu (1996), stated that records management is that part of office management which deals largely with the classification, arrangement and storage of organizational records so that they will be quickly located.

   Similarly Elendu (1983),described records management as the organizational way of success.

   Generally, employers require records management tools for their workers so as to manage their offices effectively.

1.2 Statement of the Study

Most organization found it difficult to posses and retrieve all information. This creates problems in the organization; it is either that the employees are not efficient to the extent that some files are omitted or misplaced or that information leakaged to outsiders.

  Miller and Stanford (1979) stated that “the maintenance of efficient records management system is a perennial problem of the offices and its solution demands understanding the principle” that is why careful study of the files reveals instance, where one persons name appears in different files in an organization. Observation has shown that most employers do not posses the skills expected by them to ensure an efficient record keeping, the solution to the problem.

 1.3 Objectives of the Study

Examine the tools expected of an employer in achieving organizational goal. The study specifically sought to:

1   Examine   the necessary skills required for effective filling in an organization.

2   Examine the various way of record disposal.

3   Examine the records of an organization.

4   Identifying skills expected of the employers in efficient record management

5   Identifying skills required of employers in operating equipment for record management.

6   Identifying problems militating against efficient records management.

1.4 Research questions

1 What are the patterns of records management in your organization? 

2   What are the tools expected for records management?

3   What are the tools required by the employers in operating equipment for records management?

4  What problems are encountered in ensuring efficient record management in an organization?

1.5 Significance of the study

 The success and failures of any organization depend on the large extent on the ability of keeping and maintaining efficient record management, record need to be kept and well managed by the employee for easy and time retrieval.

    Efficient management of records makes it possible for documents to be preserved in an orderly and neat manner so as to ensure that such document remain tidy and readable in the year ahead. The modern society has developed into complex network and distance from one location to the other have been so much reduced by technological break through computerization, it is hoped that the research will provide all organization with possible and positive solution to problems of maintaining efficient records management.

Employees who are mainly involved in records management will find the outcome useful and it ill enable their device means of developing better records management tools.

1.6 Scope of study

The study is delimited in scope to records management tools in achieving organizational goals.

1.7 Limitation of the study   

1. It covers only records created by government or the states while its observation and conclusions may be useful to archivists.

Appraising records containing personal information created by business universities, labour unions, churches or private individual’s archivist. Responsibility for the records of such institutions will not find those situations explicitly addressed here. The author’s bias in argument and examples is further more towards national archives.

2. It deals almost exclusively with records containing personal information in paper or textural, format micrographic or electronic versions of these records are mentioned only as they interrelate with paper records. Similarly personal information recorded on maps, photograph and films are also only mentioned briefly in passing.

The study focuses tightly on appraising records containing personal information, five closely related and Permian subjects. Appraising in general records management and the records disposition process machine, readable record privacy and sampling are not dealt with directly, these are all the subjects of other ramp studies, and there no intention here to repeat that work, some conclusion from this study especially regarding sampling are summarized for the readers convenience but the full argument and analysis in those records reports is not stated.

3. Additionally, limitations concerning the type of records containing personal information covered by this study will narrow the topic manageable size

1.8 Definition of terms

1.      RECORDS- this is any written account or dada that is kept so that it can be looked at and used in future.

2.      MANAGEMENT- is the process of getting things done by planning, organizing and controlling to achieve a specified goal.

3.      TOOLS-is anything that helps you to do your job to achieve something.

4.      ACHIEVEING- to succeed in reaching a particular goal or to succeed in reaching a something.

5.      ORGANIZATION- a group of people or individual working together in pursuit of certain purpose called organizational goals.

6.      GOALS- this is something or what an individual or organization hopes to achieve.

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